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Our business is collecting, processing, and recycling trees and green debris. Our mission is to make the recycling of green waste as simple as possible.

Our mission is to make the recycling of green waste as simple as possible.

Here’s How It Works

You have green waste or tree debris from land clearing, construction, landscaping, yard work, or a recent storm.

You can drop off the debris at one of our disposal centers or contact our team, and we’ll come to your site to load, haul, and dispose of your debris for you.

Trust GTDR, we can handle the job regardless of size:

From here, we make sure that all your green waste is recycled correctly and put to good use. Your vegetation is transported to one of our recycling centers, where it is processed into wood chips, mulch, and soil, filtered, and available for purchase through our partner company, Gaston Mulch & Soil.

Frequently Asked Questions